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20090617_180030 D300 X1
20090605_194318 D3 X1 V1 D1
20090605_194346 D3 X1 D1
  20090605_194500 D3 X1 D1 V1.jpg - Hyenas have excellent eyesight and hearing.  They have great stamina and do not tire easily so can engage in a chase for a long time.  
20090613_074755 D3 X1
20090613_084924 D300 X1
20090615_184203 D3 (3) X1
20090615_184228 D3 X1
20090615_184230 D3 X1

4 | Hyenas have excellent eyesight and hearing. They have great stamina and do not tire easily so can engage in a chase for a long time.
Photographer: FRED SELIGMAN MD | Camera: NIKON D3 | Date: 6/5/09 7:45 PM | Resolution: 4256 x 2832 | ISO: 12800 | Exp. Time: 1/4s | Aperture: 2.8 | Focal Length: 26.0mm (=26mm) | Location: Skeleton Coast | Country: Namibia | Copyright: Copyright 2009 Fred Seligman MD | See map
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